Buffered video player
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
package main
import (
var videoWidget *bufferedvid.BufferedVidPlayback
func unimplemented() {}
func main() {
a := app.New()
w := a.NewWindow("Video")
videoWidget = bufferedvid.NewBufferedVidPlayback()
videoWidget.VideoFilename = "1 Minute Timer-CH50zuS8DD0.mp4"
layout := layouts.NewFloatingControlsLayout()
layout.FloatingControlsLocation = layouts.FloatingControlsCenter
buttons := container.NewHBox(widget.NewButton(">", func() { videoWidget.Play() }), widget.NewButton("||", func() {
if videoWidget.IsPaused() {
} else {
w.SetContent(container.New(&layout, videoWidget, buttons))
w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(640, 480))
@ -0,0 +1,480 @@
package bufferedvid
import (
func staticNoiseImage(w, h int) *image.RGBA {
i := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
for x := 0; x < w; x++ {
for y := 0; y < h; y++ {
lum := uint8(rand.Float32() * 255)
i.Set(x, y, color.RGBA{lum, lum, lum, 255})
return i
const (
width = 1280
height = 720
frameBufferSize = 1024
sampleRate = 44100
channelCount = 2
bitDepth = 8
sampleBufferSize = 32 * channelCount * bitDepth * 1024
// player holds all the data
// necessary for playing video.
type player struct {
pix *image.NRGBA
ticker <-chan time.Time
errs <-chan error
frameBuffer <-chan *image.RGBA
audioBuffer <-chan [2]float64
last time.Time
fps int
paused bool
frameCount int64
// readVideoAndAudio reads video and audio frames
// from the opened media and sends the decoded
// data to che channels to be played.
func (p *player) readVideoAndAudio(media *reisen.Media) (<-chan *image.RGBA, <-chan [2]float64, chan error, error) {
frameBuffer := make(chan *image.RGBA, frameBufferSize)
sampleBuffer := make(chan [2]float64, sampleBufferSize)
errs := make(chan error)
err := media.OpenDecode()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
videoStream := media.VideoStreams()[0]
err = videoStream.Open()
p.frameCount = videoStream.FrameCount()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
audioStream := media.AudioStreams()[0]
err = audioStream.Open()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
go func() {
for {
packet, gotPacket, err := media.ReadPacket()
if err != nil {
go func(err error) {
errs <- err
if !gotPacket {
switch packet.Type() {
case reisen.StreamVideo:
s := media.Streams()[packet.StreamIndex()].(*reisen.VideoStream)
videoFrame, gotFrame, err := s.ReadVideoFrame()
if err != nil {
go func(err error) {
errs <- err
if !gotFrame {
if videoFrame == nil {
frameBuffer <- videoFrame.Image()
case reisen.StreamAudio:
s := media.Streams()[packet.StreamIndex()].(*reisen.AudioStream)
audioFrame, gotFrame, err := s.ReadAudioFrame()
if err != nil {
go func(err error) {
errs <- err
if !gotFrame {
if audioFrame == nil {
// Turn the raw byte data into
// audio samples of type [2]float64.
reader := bytes.NewReader(audioFrame.Data())
// See the README.md file for
// detailed scheme of the sample structure.
for reader.Len() > 0 {
sample := [2]float64{0, 0}
var result float64
err = binary.Read(reader, binary.LittleEndian, &result)
if err != nil {
go func(err error) {
errs <- err
sample[0] = result
err = binary.Read(reader, binary.LittleEndian, &result)
if err != nil {
go func(err error) {
errs <- err
sample[1] = result
sampleBuffer <- sample
return frameBuffer, sampleBuffer, errs, nil
// Starts reading samples and frames
// of the media file.
func (p *player) open(fname string) error {
// Sprite for drawing video frames.
p.pix = image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
// Open the media file.
media, err := reisen.NewMedia(fname)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// Get the FPS for playing
// video frames.
videoFPS, _ := media.Streams()[0].FrameRate()
fmt.Printf("Detected FPS of %d\n", videoFPS)
if videoFPS == 0 {
fmt.Println("Setting fps to 60 as no FPS found")
videoFPS = 60
if videoFPS > 150 {
fmt.Printf("FPS of %d seems way too high, assuming it's *1000, so we'll use %d\n", videoFPS, videoFPS/1000)
videoFPS = videoFPS / 1000
p.fps = videoFPS
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// SPF for frame ticker.
spf := 1.0 / float64(videoFPS)
frameDuration, err := time.
ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%fs", spf))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// Start decoding streams.
p.frameBuffer, p.audioBuffer,
p.errs, err = p.readVideoAndAudio(media)
if err != nil {
return err
p.ticker = time.Tick(frameDuration)
// Setup metrics.
p.last = time.Now()
return nil
var _ fyne.WidgetRenderer = (*bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer)(nil)
type VideoControlsVisibleStruct struct {
PlayButton bool
PauseButton bool
Scrubber bool
type BufferedVidPlayback struct {
UpdateFPS int64
VideoFilename string
VideoControlsVisible VideoControlsVisibleStruct
Loop bool
fpsTimer *time.Ticker
videoOpened bool
playerStruct player
currentFrameID int64
allFrames []image.RGBA
bufferFilling bool
paused bool
func NewBufferedVidPlayback() *BufferedVidPlayback {
w := &BufferedVidPlayback{}
w.UpdateFPS = 25
w.videoOpened = false
w.currentFrameID = 0
w.bufferFilling = false
w.paused = false
w.Loop = false
return w
func fileIsOpenable(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) Play() {
if !w.videoOpened {
if fileIsOpenable(w.VideoFilename) {
spf := 1.0 / float64(w.playerStruct.fps)
frameDuration, err := time.
ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%fs", spf))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
go func() {
// empty the audio buffer in case that's what's jamming things up.
for {
_ = <-w.playerStruct.audioBuffer
w.videoOpened = true
if w.paused {
w.paused = false
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) Pause() {
if !w.videoOpened || !w.bufferFilling {
if !w.paused {
w.paused = true
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) UnPause() {
if !w.videoOpened || !w.bufferFilling {
if w.paused {
w.paused = false
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) IsPaused() bool {
return w.paused
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) Resize(s fyne.Size) {
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) FillBuffer() {
w.allFrames = make([]image.RGBA, w.playerStruct.frameCount)
w.bufferFilling = true
w.currentFrameID = 0
for {
frameImage := <-w.playerStruct.frameBuffer
w.allFrames[w.currentFrameID] = *frameImage
w.currentFrameID = w.currentFrameID + 1
if w.currentFrameID > w.playerStruct.frameCount-2 {
w.currentFrameID = 0
w.bufferFilling = false
func (w *BufferedVidPlayback) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer {
w.fpsTimer = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(1000/25) * time.Millisecond)
go func(v *BufferedVidPlayback) {
for {
_ = <-w.fpsTimer.C
return newBufferedVidPlaybackRenderer(w)
type bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer struct {
bufferedVidPlayback *BufferedVidPlayback
currentframe *canvas.Raster
progress *widget.Slider
bufferingProgress *widget.ProgressBar
pausebtn, playbtn *widget.Button
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) actualrenderframe(w, h int) image.Image {
var frameImage *image.RGBA
if r.bufferedVidPlayback.bufferFilling {
r.bufferingProgress.Min = 0
r.bufferingProgress.Max = float64(r.bufferedVidPlayback.playerStruct.frameCount)
r.bufferingProgress.Value = float64(r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID)
frameImage = staticNoiseImage(w, h)
} else if r.bufferedVidPlayback.videoOpened {
frameImage = &r.bufferedVidPlayback.allFrames[r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID]
if !r.bufferedVidPlayback.paused {
r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID = r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID + 1
if r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID > r.bufferedVidPlayback.playerStruct.frameCount-5 { //definitely stopping before the end
r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID = 0
if !r.bufferedVidPlayback.Loop {
r.bufferedVidPlayback.paused = true
} else {
frameImage = staticNoiseImage(w, h) //no point doing anything other than returning anyway!
return frameImage
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) seek(frame float64) {
if r.bufferedVidPlayback.videoOpened && !r.bufferedVidPlayback.bufferFilling {
r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID = int64(frame)
func newBufferedVidPlaybackRenderer(w *BufferedVidPlayback) *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer {
renderer := &bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer{
bufferedVidPlayback: w,
renderer.currentframe = canvas.NewRaster(renderer.actualrenderframe)
renderer.progress = widget.NewSlider(0, 1)
renderer.progress.OnChanged = renderer.seek
renderer.playbtn = widget.NewButtonWithIcon("", theme.MediaPlayIcon(), func() { w.Play() })
renderer.pausebtn = widget.NewButtonWithIcon("", theme.MediaPauseIcon(), func() {
if w.paused {
} else {
renderer.bufferingProgress = widget.NewProgressBar()
renderer.bufferingProgress.TextFormatter = func() string {
if w.playerStruct.frameCount > 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("Buffering (%2.2f%%)...", float64(w.currentFrameID)/float64(w.playerStruct.frameCount)*100)
return "Buffering..."
return renderer
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) Objects() []fyne.CanvasObject {
// The order is critical, rect is drawn first then currentframe
return []fyne.CanvasObject{r.currentframe, r.bufferingProgress, r.playbtn, r.pausebtn, r.progress}
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) Layout(s fyne.Size) {
videoControlsMaxMin := fyne.Max(r.progress.MinSize().Height, r.pausebtn.MinSize().Height)
videoControlsY := s.Height - videoControlsMaxMin
r.currentframe.Resize(fyne.NewSize(s.Width, videoControlsY))
r.currentframe.Move(fyne.NewPos(0, 0))
r.bufferingProgress.Resize(fyne.NewSize(s.Width, r.bufferingProgress.MinSize().Height))
r.bufferingProgress.Move(fyne.NewPos(0, (s.Height/2)-(r.bufferingProgress.Size().Height)))
r.playbtn.Move(fyne.NewPos(0, videoControlsY))
if fyne.Max(r.progress.MinSize().Height, r.playbtn.MinSize().Height) == r.progress.MinSize().Height {
r.playbtn.Resize(fyne.NewSize(r.playbtn.Size().Width, r.progress.Size().Height))
r.pausebtn.Move(fyne.NewPos(r.pausebtn.MinSize().Width, videoControlsY))
if fyne.Max(r.progress.MinSize().Height, r.pausebtn.MinSize().Height) == r.progress.MinSize().Height {
r.pausebtn.Resize(fyne.NewSize(r.pausebtn.Size().Width, r.progress.Size().Height))
r.progress.Resize(fyne.NewSize(s.Width-r.playbtn.MinSize().Width-r.pausebtn.MinSize().Width, r.progress.MinSize().Height))
r.progress.Move(fyne.NewPos(r.playbtn.MinSize().Width+r.pausebtn.MinSize().Width, videoControlsY))
if fyne.Max(r.progress.MinSize().Height, r.pausebtn.MinSize().Height) == r.pausebtn.MinSize().Height {
r.progress.Resize(fyne.NewSize(r.progress.Size().Width, r.pausebtn.Size().Height))
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) MinSize() fyne.Size {
return fyne.NewSize(200, 200)
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) Refresh() {
r.progress.Min = 0
r.progress.Max = float64(r.bufferedVidPlayback.playerStruct.frameCount)
if r.bufferedVidPlayback.bufferFilling {
r.progress.Value = 0
} else {
r.progress.Value = float64(r.bufferedVidPlayback.currentFrameID)
func (r *bufferedVidPlaybackRenderer) Destroy() {
} // Called when the renderer is destroyed
Reference in New Issue