Sort of working vidplayback

This commit is contained in:
Martyn 2021-12-12 18:14:12 +01:00
parent 4181d984be
commit 95e7203450
2 changed files with 116 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ func main() {
w := a.NewWindow("Video")
videoWidget = vidplayback.NewVidPlayback()
videoWidget.VideoFilename = "network.mp4"
videoWidget.VideoFilename = "1 Minute Timer-CH50zuS8DD0.mp4"
layout := layouts.NewFloatingControlsLayout()
layout.FloatingControlsLocation = layouts.FloatingControlsCenter

View File

@ -6,9 +6,8 @@ import (
@ -17,7 +16,16 @@ import (
var _ fyne.WidgetRenderer = (*vidPlaybackRenderer)(nil)
func staticNoiseImage(w, h int) *image.RGBA {
i := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, w, h))
for x := 0; x < w; x++ {
for y := 0; y < h; y++ {
lum := uint8(rand.Float32() * 255)
i.Set(x, y, color.RGBA{lum, lum, lum, 255})
return i
const (
width = 1280
@ -36,12 +44,16 @@ type player struct {
ticker <-chan time.Time
errs <-chan error
frameBuffer <-chan *image.RGBA
audioBuffer <-chan [2]float64
last time.Time
deltaTime float64
fps int
paused bool
wid *VidPlayback
frameCount int64
// readVideoAndAudio reads video and audio frames
// from the opened media and sends the decoded
// data to che channels to be played.
func (p *player) readVideoAndAudio(media *reisen.Media) (<-chan *image.RGBA, <-chan [2]float64, chan error, error) {
frameBuffer := make(chan *image.RGBA, frameBufferSize)
sampleBuffer := make(chan [2]float64, sampleBufferSize)
@ -55,6 +67,7 @@ func (p *player) readVideoAndAudio(media *reisen.Media) (<-chan *image.RGBA, <-c
videoStream := media.VideoStreams()[0]
err = videoStream.Open()
p.frameCount = videoStream.FrameCount()
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, nil, err
@ -167,7 +180,6 @@ func (p *player) readVideoAndAudio(media *reisen.Media) (<-chan *image.RGBA, <-c
// Starts reading samples and frames
// of the media file.
func (p *player) open(fname string) error {
fmt.Printf("Opening %s...\n", fname)
// Sprite for drawing video frames.
p.pix = image.NewNRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, width, height))
@ -175,18 +187,28 @@ func (p *player) open(fname string) error {
media, err := reisen.NewMedia(fname)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Open error %s\n", err.Error())
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// Get the FPS for playing
// video frames.
videoFPS, _ := media.Streams()[0].FrameRate()
fmt.Printf("FPS %d\n", videoFPS)
fmt.Printf("Detected FPS of %d\n", videoFPS)
if videoFPS == 0 {
fmt.Printf("Assuming 60fps as FPS was 0.\n")
fmt.Println("Setting fps to 60 as no FPS found")
videoFPS = 60
if videoFPS > 150 {
fmt.Printf("FPS of %d seems way too high, assuming it's *1000, so we'll use %d", videoFPS, videoFPS/1000)
videoFPS = videoFPS / 1000
p.fps = videoFPS
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// SPF for frame ticker.
spf := 1.0 / float64(videoFPS)
@ -199,20 +221,13 @@ func (p *player) open(fname string) error {
// Start decoding streams.
var sampleSource <-chan [2]float64
p.frameBuffer, sampleSource,
p.frameBuffer, p.audioBuffer,
p.errs, err = p.readVideoAndAudio(media)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// Start playing audio samples.
// nooope.
_ = sampleSource
p.ticker = time.Tick(frameDuration)
// Setup metrics.
@ -220,104 +235,118 @@ func (p *player) open(fname string) error {
return nil
func (p *player) update(screen *canvas.Image) error {
// Compute dt.
p.deltaTime = time.Since(p.last).Seconds()
p.last = time.Now()
// Check for incoming errors.
select {
case err, ok := <-p.errs:
if ok {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
return err
// Read video frames and draw them.
select {
case <-p.ticker:
frame, ok := <-p.frameBuffer
if ok {
p.pix.Pix = frame.Pix
return nil
var _ fyne.WidgetRenderer = (*vidPlaybackRenderer)(nil)
type VidPlayback struct {
UpdateFPS int64
VideoFilename string
play player
fpsTimer *time.Ticker
videoOpened bool
playerStruct player
currentFrameID int64
func NewVidPlayback() *VidPlayback {
v := &VidPlayback{} = v
return v
w := &VidPlayback{}
w.UpdateFPS = 25
w.videoOpened = false
w.currentFrameID = 0
return w
func (v *VidPlayback) Resize(s fyne.Size) {
func fileIsOpenable(path string) bool {
_, err := os.Open(path)
if err != nil {
return false
return true
func (v *VidPlayback) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer {
return newVidPlaybackRenderer(v)
func (w *VidPlayback) Play() {
if !w.videoOpened {
if fileIsOpenable(w.VideoFilename) {
w.videoOpened = true
spf := 1.0 / float64(w.playerStruct.fps)
frameDuration, err := time.
ParseDuration(fmt.Sprintf("%fs", spf))
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Error %s\n", err.Error())
go func() {
// constantly empty the audio buffer in case that's what's jamming things up.
for {
_ = <-w.playerStruct.audioBuffer
func (v *VidPlayback) Play() {
_ = = false
func (w *VidPlayback) Resize(s fyne.Size) {
func (w *VidPlayback) CreateRenderer() fyne.WidgetRenderer {
w.fpsTimer = time.NewTicker(time.Duration(1000/25) * time.Millisecond)
go func(v *VidPlayback) {
for {
_ = <-w.fpsTimer.C
return newVidPlaybackRenderer(w)
type vidPlaybackRenderer struct {
vidPlayback *VidPlayback
currentframe *canvas.Image
background *canvas.Rectangle
currentframe *canvas.Raster
func newVidPlaybackRenderer(v *VidPlayback) *vidPlaybackRenderer {
renderer := &vidPlaybackRenderer{
vidPlayback: v,
i := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, 640, 480))
for x := 0; x < 640; x++ {
for y := 0; y < 480; y++ {
lum := uint8(rand.Float32() * 255)
i.Set(x, y, color.RGBA{lum, lum, lum, 255})
func (r *vidPlaybackRenderer) actualrenderframe(w, h int) image.Image {
var frameImage *image.RGBA
if r.vidPlayback.videoOpened {
frameImage = <-r.vidPlayback.playerStruct.frameBuffer
r.vidPlayback.currentFrameID = r.vidPlayback.currentFrameID + 1
if r.vidPlayback.currentFrameID%int64(r.vidPlayback.playerStruct.fps) == 0 {
if r.vidPlayback.currentFrameID > r.vidPlayback.playerStruct.frameCount-5 { //definitely stopping before the end
r.vidPlayback.videoOpened = false
fmt.Println("Almost at end of file!")
} else {
frameImage = staticNoiseImage(w, h) //no point doing anything other than returning anyway!
renderer.currentframe = canvas.NewImageFromImage(i)
go func() {
for {
if {
time.Sleep(time.Millisecond * 8)
return frameImage
err :=
if err != nil {
log.Println("Error playing:", err)
func newVidPlaybackRenderer(w *VidPlayback) *vidPlaybackRenderer {
renderer := &vidPlaybackRenderer{
vidPlayback: w,
background: canvas.NewRectangle(color.RGBA{255, 0, 255, 255}),
renderer.currentframe = canvas.NewRaster(renderer.actualrenderframe)
return renderer
func (r *vidPlaybackRenderer) Objects() []fyne.CanvasObject {
return []fyne.CanvasObject{r.currentframe}
// The order is critical, rect is drawn first then currentframe
return []fyne.CanvasObject{r.background, r.currentframe}
func (r *vidPlaybackRenderer) Layout(s fyne.Size) {
@ -326,22 +355,9 @@ func (r *vidPlaybackRenderer) MinSize() fyne.Size {
func (r *vidPlaybackRenderer) Refresh() {
b := r.currentframe.Image.Bounds()
m := image.NewRGBA(image.Rect(0, 0, b.Dx(), b.Dy()))
draw.Draw(m, m.Bounds(), r.currentframe.Image, b.Min, draw.Src)
for x := 0; x < b.Dx(); x++ {
for y := 0; y < b.Dy(); y++ {
lum := uint8(rand.Float32() * 255)
m.Set(x, y, color.RGBA{lum, lum, lum, 255})
r.currentframe.Image = m
func (r *vidPlaybackRenderer) Destroy() {
} // Called when the renderer is destroyed