
8.1 KiB

Release Notes

Version 2.15.2

  • added mobile web application support
  • show correct number of leaves on roles with global reminders
  • fixed a bug with traveler list showing up when assigning demon bluffs
  • fixed a bug with homebrew scripts that contained negative night order positions

Version 2.15.1

  • fix Mephit not showing up on scripts, futureproof Mephit name change
  • add Boomdandy to list of available characters

Version 2.15.0

  • clean up transparent portions of icons
  • add Magician & LLeech to list of available characters

Version 2.14.0

  • added Farmer to list of available characters

Version 2.13.0

  • fix players being moved or removed during nomination
  • add vue linter
  • use "Exile" rather than "Banishment" for exiles
  • added global animation toggle for better performance
  • added record vote history toggle to session menu, and clear vote history button
  • add support for custom Fabled characters
  • show Jinxed interactions on character reference list
  • add 'marked for execution' indicator

Version 2.12.0

  • tweak reference sheet to better fit screen in single column layout
  • add warning icon overlay for setup roles on character assignment modal
  • added Heretic and Marionette plus King/Choirboy and the Gangster to list of available characters

Version 2.11.0

  • new design for character reference sheet
  • automatically switch to grimoire view when joining a session through a link
  • fixed demon bluffs showing on public town square
  • fixed a bug that prevented connecting to a session when previously being connected and joining through a link

Version 2.10.0

  • added nomination log indicator. When a nomination log [v] is available, the number of currently visible entries is displayed. Clicking the indicator can reveal/hide the nomination log.
  • fix issue where a player and storyteller updating the same players pronouns at around the same time causes an infinite loop disconnecting the session.
  • fix bug with shifting roles when the storyteller deletes a player
  • added Poppygrower to list of available characters

Version 2.9.1

  • fix gamestate JSON not showing (custom) roles and failing to load states with custom scripts properly
  • fix gamestate not stripping out special characters from on load
  • made character assignment modal a bit prettier
  • got rid of the extra pixels on the Soldier icon
  • fixed lengthy live session channel names not being correctly cut off
  • hide player names in night order / character reference popup when town square is public
  • fix (pre-)vote calculation being off by one if the nominee votes

Version 2.9.0

  • added support for assigning pronouns to players and display of the pronouns in a tooltip on the player name.
  • added button to modals that allows the user to maximize them
  • added Mephit and Snitch to roles.json

Version 2.8.0

  • added hands-off live session support for homebrew / custom characters again!
  • added custom image opt-in that will prevent any (potentially malicious / harmful) images from loading until a player manually allows them to

Version 2.7.0

  • added support for assigning duplicate characters to more than one player (like Legion)
  • further live session bandwidth optimizations
  • sessions can now be joined by pasting the whole link into the popup (thanks @davotronic5000)
  • fabled night order bug fixed
  • added Legion to list of available characters (thanks @eddgabriel)
  • added support for mp4/webm video backgrounds
  • added tooltips to night order popup

Version 2.6.0

  • night mode can be toggeled with [S] now (thanks @davotronic5000)
  • night order shows which players are dead

Version 2.5.0

  • all travelers from the base editions are now optionally available (thanks @davotronic5000)
  • night order shows player names near roles now

Version 2.4.0

  • added spoiler role (Pixie!)
  • fixed bug with ST sending out roles that are not part of the current edition / script (ie. travelers or base set roles)
  • better Lycanthrope icon (thanks @AWConant)

Version 2.3.1

  • better vote history design and added timestamps
  • adjusted player menu styling on smaller screens
  • improved description of hosting your own copy

Version 2.3.0

  • added spoiler role (Lycanthrope!)
  • fixed copy to clipboard in Firefox
  • fixed non-countdown votes still playing countdown sound for a split second

Version 2.2.1

  • clearing players / roles now also clears Fabled
  • fix list of locked votes showing unlocked votes sometimes

Version 2.2.0

  • added [V] hotkey to open nomination history (thanks @lilserf)
  • updated roles according to official Wiki changes
  • adjusted roles night order

Version 2.1.1

  • show vote results at the end of a vote
  • fixed global reminders not showing up anymore when the associated role is assigned to a player
  • adjusted backend metrics

Version 2.1.0

  • reduced countdown volume by 10db
  • added a mute toggle to the Grimoire menu (currently only silences the countdown)
  • pressing [J] while in a session will now leave the session
  • always show reminder add button when on a mobile device that doesn't support hovering
  • removed screenshot feature as it is no longer useful

Version 2.0.4

  • fix bug with live sessions that contain travelers from a different set
  • fix server channel cleanup

Version 2.0.3

  • load roles that belong to different editions (like travelers) from gamestate
  • close session when missing custom roles and open edition modal
  • added a few more metrics

Version 2.0.2

  • fix nomination history type not detecting travelers
  • fix live session domain whitelist
  • fix build path
  • fix changelog version numbering

Version 2.0.1

  • clearing the nomination history as the Storyteller clears it for the players too
  • vote buttons should work in all situations correctly now
  • fixed some minor styling and live session issues

Version 2.0.0

  • The project is now available under its own domain:
  • Added a feature that allows a live session Storyteller to automatically (and safely) distribute assigned characters to all players that have claimed a seat, eliminating the need to manually tell every player their role
  • Visible "night phase" that can be toggled by the Storyteller
  • Voting history added with nomination and vote results
  • Optional, audible voting countdown added (featuring an actual clock tower bell!)
  • Fabled show up on the Night Order sheet and affect Grimoire night order counters
  • Current game state can now be easily exported and imported in the form of a JSON text code
  • Voting can be paused and sped up / slowed down in 0.5 second increments by the Storyteller
  • Voting terminology changed to "Hand UP" / "Hand DOWN" and iconography updated
  • Added meta-data support for custom scripts, that currently supports name, author and a custom logo through a _meta role (note that a customized logo will not be synced to players in a live session)
  • Players can no longer claim seats that are already occupied and only the Storyteller can vacate seats of other players (players can still vacate their own seat)
  • Characters selected in the bluff window now also show up in the list of reminder tokens
  • Homebrew scripts / custom characters no longer automatically load in live sessions, for 2 reasons:
    • the players in a live session have no control over the script that the storyteller loads, so a malicious storyteller could load a custom script that contains harmful / inappropriate images
    • some homebrew scripts are quite big JSON files and synching these through the live session server can cause traffic / performance issue easily
    • this change may be reverted in the future when I figure out a way to sync custom characters safely and without such a big impact on performance constraints
  • Buggy (spamming) live session connections will now be terminated on the server side and display an error message
  • Balloonist reminder tokens adjusted
  • Live session URLs shortened
  • Deus Ex Fiasco and Stormcatcher Fabled added / updated
  • Custom Reminder text looks better when there is a lot of text
  • added a README for the backend server