146 lines
4.5 KiB
146 lines
4.5 KiB
extends Node
# Declare member variables here. Examples:
# var a = 2
# var b = "text"
var SongTitle = ""
var SongArtist = ""
var CompletionType
var Tags = ""
var OriginalURL = ""
var PartsURLs = []
var PartsVolumes = []
var PartsDelays = []
var PartsOthers = []
var BackVolume = 0
enum CompletionTypeOptions {
# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
func _ready():
print(unBundle("""Hey, I sang part of Don't Give Up by Peter Gabriel at https://no.where and it's not complete until you sing the rest of it with me!
With #ASingCrow, you can join it and other songs.
The audio track(s) are attached.
Backing volume recommendation: 1db.
Parts volume recommendations: 40db, 40db.
Audio delay recommendations: 0.166s
#test #ignore
pass # Replace with function body.
func setSongTitle(value):
SongTitle = value
func setSongArtist(value):
SongArtist = value
func setCompletionType(value):
CompletionType = value
func setTags(value):
Tags = value
func setOriginalURL(value):
OriginalURL = value
func setPartsURLs(value):
PartsURLs = value
func setPartsVolumes(value):
PartsVolumes = value
func setPartsDelays(value):
PartsDelays = value
func setBackVolume(value):
BackVolume = value
func getFinalText():
var completiontext = ""
var partof = ""
var i = 0
match CompletionType :
completiontext = " and it's not complete until you sing the rest of it with me!"
partof = "part of "
completiontext = " let me know what you think!"
completiontext = " with "+PartsOthers+" and it sounds great, don't you think!?"
partof = "only the harmonies of "
completiontext = " and would love someone to put the melody on top!"
partof = "only the melody of "
completiontext = " and would love someone to put some harmonies underneath!"
var partstext = "The audio track(s) are attached"
if len(PartsURLs) > 0:
partstext = "The audio track urls are :"
for parturl in PartsURLs:
partstext += " "+parturl
partstext += ".\n"
var volumetext = "Backing volume recommendation: "+String(BackVolume)+"db.\nParts volume recommendations: "
i = 0
for partvolume in PartsVolumes:
volumetext += String(partvolume)+"db"
if len(PartsVolumes) > i+1:
volumetext += ", "
i += 1
volumetext += ".\n"
var partdelaytext = "Audio delay recommendations: "
i = 0
for partDelay in PartsDelays:
partdelaytext += String(partDelay)+"s"
if len(PartsDelays) > i+1:
partdelaytext += ", "
return "Hey, I sang "+partof+SongTitle+" by "+SongArtist+" at "+OriginalURL+completiontext+" "+\
"\nWith #ASingCrow, you can join it and other songs.\n"+partstext+volumetext+partdelaytext+"\n"+Tags
func unBundle(text):
var result = {}
var regex = RegEx.new()
regex.compile("(part of|only the (?<parttype>\\w) of) (?<trackname>.+) by (?<originalartist>.+) at (?<trackurl>[^ ]*) (and[^!]*!|let[^!]*!|with[^!]*!)")
var search = regex.search(text)
result.parttype = search.get_string("parttype")
result.trackname = search.get_string("trackname")
result.originalartist = search.get_string("originalartist")
result.trackurl = search.get_string("trackurl")
regex.compile("(?<embeddedaudio>audio track(s|\\(s\\))? are attached)|audio track urls are : (?<trackurls>.*)")
search = regex.search(text)
if search.get_string("embeddedaudio"):
result.embeddedaudio = true
result.embeddedaudio = false
regex.compile("Backing volume recommendation: (?<mainvol>[^d]+)db")
search = regex.search(text)
result.mainvol = search.get_string("mainvol")
regex.compile("Parts volume recommendations: (?<partvol>([^d]+db(, )?)+)")
search = regex.search(text)
var partsstr = search.get_string("partvol")
search = regex.search_all(partsstr)
var partvols = []
for each in search:
result.partvols = partvols
regex.compile("Audio delay recommendations: (?<partsdelays>([\\d\\.]+s(, )?)+)")
search = regex.search(text)
partsstr = search.get_string("partsdelays")
search = regex.search_all(partsstr)
var partsdelays = []
for each in search:
result.partsdelays = partsdelays
return result
# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
#func _process(delta):
# pass