91 lines
3.2 KiB
91 lines
3.2 KiB
# Include servo hardware definition separately to allow for automatic upgrade
[include mmu_erec_cutter_hw.cfg]
# Optional EREC Filament Cutter Support
# https://github.com/kevinakasam/ERCF_Filament_Cutter
# This is the supplementary macro to support filament cutting at the MMU
# on a ERCF design.
# To configure:
# 1. Add this to your printer.cfg:
# [include mmu/addons/mmu_erec_cutter.cfg]
# 2. In mmu_macro_vars.cfg, change this line:
# variable_user_post_unload_extension : "EREC_CUTTER_ACTION"
# 3. Tune the servo configuration and macro "variables" below
# EREC CUTTER CONFIGURATION -----------------------------------------------
# (addons/mmu_erec_cutter.cfg)
[gcode_macro _EREC_VARS]
description: Empty macro to store the variables
gcode: # Leave empty
# These variables control the servo movement
variable_servo_closed_angle : 70 ; Servo angle for closed position with bowden aligned MMU
variable_servo_open_angle : 10 ; Servo angle to open up the cutter and move bowden away from MMU
variable_servo_duration : 1.5 ; Time (s) of PWM pulse train to activate servo
variable_servo_idle_time : 1.8 ; Time (s) to let the servo to reach it's position
# Controls for feed and cut lengths
variable_feed_length : 48 ; Distance in mm from gate parking position to blade (ERCFv1.1: 58, v2/other: 48)
variable_cut_length : 10 ; Amount in mm of filament to cut
variable_cut_attempts : 1 ; Number of times the cutter tries to cut the filament
# Macro to perform the cutting step. Designed to be included to the
[gcode_macro EREC_CUTTER_ACTION]
description: Cut off the filament tip at the MMU after the unload sequence is complete
{% set vars = printer["gcode_macro _EREC_VARS"] %}
MMU_LOG MSG="Cutting filament tip..."
_MMU_STEP_MOVE MOVE={vars.feed_length + vars.cut_length}
{% for i in range(vars.cut_attempts - 1) %}
{% endfor %}
_MMU_EVENT EVENT="filament_cut" # Count as one cut for consumption counter
_MMU_STEP_UNLOAD_GATE # Repeat gate parking move
_MMU_M400 # Wait on both move queues
[gcode_macro _CUTTER_ANGLE]
description: Helper macro to set cutter servo angle
{% set angle = params.ANGLE|default(0)|int %}
SET_SERVO SERVO=cut_servo ANGLE={angle}
[gcode_macro _CUTTER_CLOSE]
description: Helper macro to set cutting servo the closed position
{% set vars = printer["gcode_macro _EREC_VARS"] %}
SET_SERVO SERVO=cut_servo ANGLE={vars.servo_closed_angle} DURATION={vars.servo_duration}
G4 P{vars.servo_idle_time * 1000}
RESPOND MSG="EREC Cutter closed"
[gcode_macro _CUTTER_OPEN]
description: Helper macro to set cutting servo the open position
{% set vars = printer["gcode_macro _EREC_VARS"] %}
SET_SERVO SERVO=cut_servo ANGLE={vars.servo_open_angle} DURATION={vars.servo_duration}
G4 P{vars.servo_idle_time * 1000}
RESPOND MSG="EREC Cutter open"