[shaketune] result_folder: ~/printer_data/config/ShakeTune_results # The folder where the results will be stored. It will be created if it doesn't exist. number_of_results_to_keep: 3 # The number of results to keep in the result_folder. The oldest results will # be automatically deleted after each runs. keep_raw_csv: False # If True, the raw CSV files will be kept in the result_folder alongside the # PNG graphs. If False, they will be deleted and only the graphs will be kept. show_macros_in_webui: True # Mainsail and Fluidd doesn't create buttons for "system" macros that are not in the # printer.cfg file. If you want to see the macros in the webui, set this to True. timeout: 300 # The maximum time in seconds to let Shake&Tune process the CSV files and generate the graphs.