[ { "id": "washerwoman", "name": "Washerwoman", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": false, "reminders": ["Townsfolk", "Decoy"], "setup": false, "ability": "You start knowing 1 of 2 players is a particular Townsfolk." }, { "id": "librarian", "name": "Librarian", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": false, "reminders": ["Outsider", "Decoy"], "setup": false, "ability": "You start knowing that 1 of 2 players is a particular Outsider. (Or that zero are in play)" }, { "id": "investigator", "name": "Investigator", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": false, "reminders": ["Minion", "Decoy"], "setup": false, "ability": "You start knowing 1 of 2 players is a particular Minion." }, { "id": "chef", "name": "Chef", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": false, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "You start knowing how many pairs of evil players there are." }, { "id": "empath", "name": "Empath", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": true, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night, you learn how many of your 2 alive neighbours are evil." }, { "id": "fortuneteller", "name": "Fortune Teller", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Decoy"], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night, choose 2 players: you learn if either is a Demon. There is 1 good player that registers falsely to you." }, { "id": "undertaker", "name": "Undertaker", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Executed"], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night*, you learn which character died by execution today." }, { "id": "monk", "name": "Monk", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Protected"], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night*, choose a player (not yourself): they are safe from the Demon tonight." }, { "id": "ravenkeeper", "name": "Ravenkeeper", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": true, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "If you die at night, you are woken to choose a player: you learn their character." }, { "id": "mayor", "name": "Mayor", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "If only 3 players live & no execution occurs, your team wins. If you die at night, another player might die instead." }, { "id": "slayer", "name": "Slayer", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": ["Used"], "setup": false, "ability": "Once per game, during the day, publicly choose a player: if they are the Demon, they die." }, { "id": "soldier", "name": "Soldier", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "You are safe from the Demon." }, { "id": "virgin", "name": "Virgin", "set": "TB", "team": "townsfolk", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": ["Used"], "setup": false, "ability": "The first time you are nominated, if the nominator is a Townsfolk, they are executed immediately." }, { "id": "butler", "name": "Butler", "set": "TB", "team": "outsider", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Master"], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night, choose a player (not yourself): tomorrow, you may only vote if they are voting too." }, { "id": "drunk", "name": "Drunk", "set": "TB", "team": "outsider", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": ["Drunk"], "setup": true, "ability": "You do not know you are the Drunk. You think you are a Townsfolk, but your ability malfunctions." }, { "id": "recluse", "name": "Recluse", "set": "TB", "team": "outsider", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "You might register as evil and as a Minion or Demon, even if dead." }, { "id": "saint", "name": "Saint", "set": "TB", "team": "outsider", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "If you die by execution, your team loses." }, { "id": "baron", "name": "Baron", "set": "TB", "team": "minion", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": false, "reminders": [], "setup": true, "ability": "There are extra Outsiders in play. [+2 Outsiders]" }, { "id": "poisoner", "name": "Poisoner", "set": "TB", "team": "minion", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Poisoned"], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night, choose a player: their ability malfunctions tonight and tomorrow day." }, { "id": "spy", "name": "Spy", "set": "TB", "team": "minion", "firstNight": true, "otherNight": true, "reminders": [], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night, you see the Grimoire. You might register as good and as a Townsfolk or Outsider, even if dead." }, { "id": "scarletwoman", "name": "Scarlet Woman", "set": "TB", "team": "minion", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Demon"], "setup": false, "ability": "If there are 5 or more players alive (Travellers don't count) and the Demon dies, you become the Demon." }, { "id": "imp", "name": "Imp", "set": "TB", "team": "demon", "firstNight": false, "otherNight": true, "reminders": ["Die"], "setup": false, "ability": "Each night*, choose a player: they die. If you kill yourself this way, a Minion becomes the Imp." } ]