apiVersion: v1 data: master.conf: |- dir /data # User-supplied master configuration: rename-command FLUSHDB "" rename-command FLUSHALL "" # End of master configuration redis.conf: |- # User-supplied common configuration: # Enable AOF https://redis.io/topics/persistence#append-only-file appendonly yes # Disable RDB persistence, AOF persistence already enabled. save "" # End of common configuration replica.conf: |- dir /data slave-read-only yes # User-supplied replica configuration: rename-command FLUSHDB "" rename-command FLUSHALL "" # End of replica configuration kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: redis4peertube app.kubernetes.io/name: redis helm.sh/chart: redis-15.5.5 name: redis4peertube-configuration --- apiVersion: v1 data: start-master.sh: | #!/bin/bash [[ -f $REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE ]] && export REDIS_PASSWORD="$(< "${REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE}")" if [[ ! -f /opt/bitnami/redis/etc/master.conf ]];then cp /opt/bitnami/redis/mounted-etc/master.conf /opt/bitnami/redis/etc/master.conf fi if [[ ! -f /opt/bitnami/redis/etc/redis.conf ]];then cp /opt/bitnami/redis/mounted-etc/redis.conf /opt/bitnami/redis/etc/redis.conf fi ARGS=("--port" "${REDIS_PORT}") ARGS+=("--protected-mode" "no") ARGS+=("--include" "/opt/bitnami/redis/etc/redis.conf") ARGS+=("--include" "/opt/bitnami/redis/etc/master.conf") exec redis-server "${ARGS[@]}" kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: redis4peertube app.kubernetes.io/name: redis helm.sh/chart: redis-15.5.5 name: redis4peertube-scripts --- apiVersion: v1 data: ping_liveness_local.sh: |- #!/bin/bash [[ -f $REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE ]] && export REDIS_PASSWORD="$(< "${REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE}")" [[ -n "$REDIS_PASSWORD" ]] && export REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" response=$( timeout -s 3 $1 \ redis-cli \ -h localhost \ -p $REDIS_PORT \ ping ) if [ "$response" != "PONG" ] && [ "$response" != "LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory" ]; then echo "$response" exit 1 fi ping_liveness_local_and_master.sh: |- script_dir="$(dirname "$0")" exit_status=0 "$script_dir/ping_liveness_local.sh" $1 || exit_status=$? "$script_dir/ping_liveness_master.sh" $1 || exit_status=$? exit $exit_status ping_liveness_master.sh: |- #!/bin/bash [[ -f $REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD_FILE ]] && export REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD="$(< "${REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD_FILE}")" [[ -n "$REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD" ]] && export REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD" response=$( timeout -s 3 $1 \ redis-cli \ -h $REDIS_MASTER_HOST \ -p $REDIS_MASTER_PORT_NUMBER \ ping ) if [ "$response" != "PONG" ] && [ "$response" != "LOADING Redis is loading the dataset in memory" ]; then echo "$response" exit 1 fi ping_readiness_local.sh: |- #!/bin/bash [[ -f $REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE ]] && export REDIS_PASSWORD="$(< "${REDIS_PASSWORD_FILE}")" [[ -n "$REDIS_PASSWORD" ]] && export REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_PASSWORD" response=$( timeout -s 3 $1 \ redis-cli \ -h localhost \ -p $REDIS_PORT \ ping ) if [ "$response" != "PONG" ]; then echo "$response" exit 1 fi ping_readiness_local_and_master.sh: |- script_dir="$(dirname "$0")" exit_status=0 "$script_dir/ping_readiness_local.sh" $1 || exit_status=$? "$script_dir/ping_readiness_master.sh" $1 || exit_status=$? exit $exit_status ping_readiness_master.sh: |- #!/bin/bash [[ -f $REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD_FILE ]] && export REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD="$(< "${REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD_FILE}")" [[ -n "$REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD" ]] && export REDISCLI_AUTH="$REDIS_MASTER_PASSWORD" response=$( timeout -s 3 $1 \ redis-cli \ -h $REDIS_MASTER_HOST \ -p $REDIS_MASTER_PORT_NUMBER \ ping ) if [ "$response" != "PONG" ]; then echo "$response" exit 1 fi kind: ConfigMap metadata: labels: app.kubernetes.io/instance: redis4peertube app.kubernetes.io/managed-by: Helm app.kubernetes.io/name: redis helm.sh/chart: redis-15.5.5 name: redis4peertube-health namespace: peertube